Get Involved!

The Deen and Basketball Program needs you. Without Volunteers, Donation and Partners, we can not reach our  goal to help hundreds of youth in this critical time.


We need you donations and Gives to grow the lives of our Time or monthly

Become a Coach

We need coaches to volunteers. Join the coaching Team

Website Management

Looking for volunteers to maintain and update out website.

Tutor/Teach Academic

Come tutor our players in math, Science, English and other academic subjects


Help us get the word out and promote our programs to the community.

Join Board of Advisors

We welcome input from the Community and parents

Community Service

Come support our monthly community clean up and feed the needed program

Grant writer

Need grant writers for fund-Raisers

Organize Fun Trips

Once or twice monthly, we go on fun activities

Go on fun activities

Join us monthly in helping Our youth give back.

Donate Water and Refreshments

We want our student-players to be Donate water, sports drinks and Healthy snack.


Get involved in our various. Fundraising events.

Social Media Help

Social Media Help Social media and exposure.

Video Record/Edit Games

Help with recording our games and practices for social median and our film study

Take Action Photos

Need action photos for website, Promotions, and feedback

Join Us

To Get Involved In Multiple Roles Specify in Message


Deen and basketball
